Millennial Yell!

Well, we survived our haul down to NYC last weekend, despite the numerous death threats a Red Sox fitted and I Hate Boston Haters shirt invites in New York on the same day as a Yankees-Sox Game. We made our pilgrimage on the ever-reliable china town bus to set up for and check out the opening of Millennial Yell!, the current show at Art for Change. Millennial Yell! explores the distinct characteristics of a new wave of revolution sweeping across the globe sparked by youthof the Millennial generation. We are participating in the show by exhbiting some our tees including the Revisited collab with Rob Stull. While the show is up until October 22nd, we will donate 20% of any items purchased from the AFC gallery or on our store using the code “afc” to support the work AFC does. Art for Change is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that provides a forum for creating innovative art and media programs that inspire people to take an active role in social justice.

We’ll usually take any excues to go down to NY for a night but it was dope to see youth engaged in social justice through art and to see that supported and appreciated. So, for those in the city or making a trip soon, be sure to stop by the Art for Change gallery and try to make it to some of the amazing events going down.

RSVP via Facebook.

More photos from our trip on the Scope Facebook Fan Page.